1hr Float & 15 Minute Mobiliser
The Open Pod - Single occupancy with 15 minutes on our massage bed
Service Description
The Open Pod is a float space for one person. This room does not have a lid so it's a good space to float in if you are coming for your first solo float and are worried about feeling claustrophobic. We have installed an infrared heat panel above it to keep you warm whilst you float. You have control over whether the lights are on or off during your float in The Open Pod. Housed within a private room for changing and showering. Includes shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and earplugs. Bring your own towel, or rent a towel for £3 on the day. This room does not have speakers but feel free to bring your own for use at a low volume.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation or changes with less than 48 hours will result in 100% of the session being charged. If cancelling or amending an appointment while we are closed, please contact us as early as possible using our e-mail address, phone or voicemail system.
Contact Details
Bristol Floatation Centre, College Green, Bristol, UK
+ 0117 316 9619